Friday, 28 November 2014

Christmas Welsh

If you're interested in helping your child with some Welsh phrases this Christmas, please check out this link….


Trimming up for Christmas

Today we put up our class Christmas tree - everyone helped with hanging baubles and tinsel. It was so much fun!

Our Little Percussionists

We've been using bells to play along to 'Ting a ling a ling, Santa Claus sy'n dod….'

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Our favourite counting song

The children love   counting  to  this  rap .  Put  it  on  and  you'll  see what  we  mean  :0)

Numbers help me count 1 20:

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Find out about DIWALI

Have a look at these links to find out more about Diwali…

DIWALI in Acorn class

This week we have been finding out about the Festival of Diwali. We've heard the story of Rama and Sita and how people celebrate this special time.

Today we made Barfi - Indian-style sweets made out of icing sugar, coconut and condensed milk. The children thought the coconut smelled 'lovely'!  

They enjoyed pouring the ingredients into the bowl, stirring the mixture and rolling the sticky dough into a ball. 

We've popped them in the fridge overnight to set but the children can have them tomorrow!

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Mark, a local author visits Acorn class

Mark came to tell us about the books he has written and read us one of his story books. We asked him lots of questions and Mrs Maher thought we listened beautifully!

After Mark's visit, we made our own stars and moon - inspired bookmarks to take home….