Thursday, 29 January 2015


We were so excited, we ran out quickly to catch it. When it came down heavily,  we put our coats on and had a play! :0)

Busy bees!!!

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Tinga Tinga Tales

We used the ipads to play games on the Tinga Tinga app - thank you Mrs Pugh for putting it on especially for us

 We heard the Lion's story and made these fabulous masks  

 Evan and Alfie playing on Tinga Tinga

Thanks Evan - we enjoyed meeting your Tinga Tinga monkey…

We're all enjoying our new theme….

Thank you for showing us your cat mask, Alexa - what a clever girl!

Lots of us helped to paint a giant Tabby Mc Tatt

Helping to make our new maths display - expert 'lion painters'...

 Busy cutting and sticking…

Thomas visited us from Reception and made a 'cat home' - great design!

Owen painted the numbers for our counting display…

What a cheeky but beautiful cat - climbing on Mrs Maher's bonnet! 

 We played a guessing game with these - what are they? Grace knew straight away they were sprouts but someone did suggest they were grapes!!

We eventually gave them to Mr Gardiner to cook for his dinner - he told the children they were delicious.

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Tinga Tinga Tales

As part of our Writing week,  nursery and reception will be writing a class story about the lion in the style of a tinga tinga tale. Please watch some of the stories with your child and discuss new ideas for a lion story. The website is on the following link and many stories are on you tube also. We will also be doing some Tinga Tinga artwork and drama activities.

Monday, 19 January 2015

Thank you for the cat photos!

Isabelle sent us some super photos of her Nan's cat…

Big Cats

Today we started finding out about some of the 'Big Cats' and talked a little about Africa. We heard the first part of the Lion King story. Some of the children looked at a globe and we found our little country, Wales and the continent of Africa.

Kael made a fabulous cat out of play dough...

Can we find Wales?

or Africa?                          

Busy drawing lions…..