Friday, 17 July 2015

Mrs Maher signing off from the Acorn class blog

Hello everyone

Thank you so much for your wonderful gifts and kind wishes this week - they really are appreciated! It has been a privilege and a pleasure working with your children this year and I shall look forward to watching them grow as they move up through the school.

Just for info too - the baby I am holding in the previous post is my granddaughter, Seren - one of our little ones asked 'where did you get the baby from?' That made me smile!

Have a wonderful Summer holiday with the children - I hope the weather is kind - and I will look forward to seeing you all again in September.

Here are the last few photos we took over the end of term…..

Best wishes,
Mrs Maher

Special awards

All of our pupils received certificates today. Here are dome of them. Happy holidays everyone  and thank you again  for such generous gifts and lovely words 😊

Thursday, 16 July 2015

It's a tiring time of year!

It has been a wonderful year!!! Thank you from all of us here in the unit for your generous gifts. We are looking forward to watching these fantastic children grown through the school. We wish you all a happy summer holiday!  😊