Sunday, 28 September 2014

Beth sy'n digwydd yr wythnos hon?

What's happening this week?

Literacy - reading daily - understanding that a book reads from left to right.
Stories every day
Reading 'm a s t d.'
Writing the above letters in sand, shaving foam, painting, pen grip practice.
Oracy - making up sentences to go with Talking Tree pictures.

PSE - talking about emotions - using dinosaur puppets to talk about their emotions. Link with our science from last week: Dewi was sad because he didn't have a comfy basket.

Numeracy - Counting songs 1 - 20
Looking at shapes - making shape dinosaurs - introducing the pentagon.
Number enhanced tasks daily: paper shapes - numbers and dinosaurs.

Knowledge and Understanding of the world - Continuing to make comfy beds for our dinosaurs.
Looking at dinosaurs and describing their features. Looking at meat and plant eaters. Sorting games.

Creative - making pasta dinosaurs - play dough dinosaur play mats

Physical - Outdoor play focusing on playing together and caring about our friends - DANCE -our dino. egg dance.

IT - improving mouse control - move and click - Smart board - drawing and double tapping.

Here are some dino games to play at home:

Monday, 22 September 2014

Beth sy'n digwydd yr wythnos hon?

What's happening this week?

Book: How to grow a dinosaur!!!

The children are living this book.
We are having lots of chats about it and they are enjoying retelling the story themselves.
Ask your child about it! Here's a link with printable pages:

IT: drawing a seed packet- learning how to control the mouse.

Music: creating bones and dinosaur music.

Literacy: learning letters and talking about different scenes. Writing the letters m and a.

Numeracy: counting up to 20. Singing counting songs. Sorting colours. Making numbers of play dough sausages.

Knowledge and understanding: problem pup. Making our dinosaur a blanket to keep him warm.

Pse: feelings.

Welsh: every day. Pwy wyt ti?

Wednesday- the museum visit. Leaving at 9.15am!

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Beth sy'n digwydd yr wythnos hon? What's happening this week?

Mrs Maher will be teaching Monday to Wednesday every week; Mrs Pugh will teach every Thursday and Friday.
Please could you send back the permission forms asap. We have lots of lovely photos to share but we need everyone's permission first.  Diolch!
Times this week:
Monday: 8.50 to 11.30am
Rest of the week: 8.50 to 1.15pm
This week, we will be:
Singing counting songs, welsh songs, colour songs.
Learning to count to 10 using our fingers.
Making sure that we know all of our colours.
Working in the garden, planting our autumn plants.
Painting with hands and fingers to make our 'Friendship Tree.'
Reading lots of stories and using our computers to develop mouse skills.
Using the ipad to read stories.
P.E. WE HAVE P.E. ON TTHURSDAY IN THE HALL. This will be a big adventure for our Acorns and we'll have lots of fun! Please send your child to school in P.E. kit. Diolch. 
An action packed week ahead!
Mrs Maher and Mrs Pugh :0)

Wednesday, 3 September 2014


Our little acorns had a fantastic morning! Some didn't want to go home!!! We are thrilled to have met you all and look forward to seeing our little acorns return in the morning again!

Mrs Pugh, Mrs Maher, Mrs Davies, Miss Kelland
 and Mrs Davies :0)