Sunday, 28 September 2014

Beth sy'n digwydd yr wythnos hon?

What's happening this week?

Literacy - reading daily - understanding that a book reads from left to right.
Stories every day
Reading 'm a s t d.'
Writing the above letters in sand, shaving foam, painting, pen grip practice.
Oracy - making up sentences to go with Talking Tree pictures.

PSE - talking about emotions - using dinosaur puppets to talk about their emotions. Link with our science from last week: Dewi was sad because he didn't have a comfy basket.

Numeracy - Counting songs 1 - 20
Looking at shapes - making shape dinosaurs - introducing the pentagon.
Number enhanced tasks daily: paper shapes - numbers and dinosaurs.

Knowledge and Understanding of the world - Continuing to make comfy beds for our dinosaurs.
Looking at dinosaurs and describing their features. Looking at meat and plant eaters. Sorting games.

Creative - making pasta dinosaurs - play dough dinosaur play mats

Physical - Outdoor play focusing on playing together and caring about our friends - DANCE -our dino. egg dance.

IT - improving mouse control - move and click - Smart board - drawing and double tapping.

Here are some dino games to play at home: